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Unify My Video On-Boarding Form
To keep production streamlined and budget-friendly, we work best with one person from a company to be the company's spokesperson. Who will your point person be for this project?
What is that point person's email address?
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Phone Number
What is the name of your business?
Business website address:
Tell us about your business.
How long have you been in business? What do you sell/offer? What makes you unique?
Are these videos for internal or external us?
Internal Use
External Use
What date would you like to premiere your first video?
(must be at least 10 business days out from today's date)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What is your major call to action?
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What should the viewer do to engage with your services?
Select All
Visit your website?
Call you?
Email you?
What is your website, phone number and/or email we should use in the video?
Please upload your logo
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 3.
Is there a video series out there that you'd like to emulate?
Please provide links here:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.